Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Rain again

I went to the dentist again today but I am not going to dwell on that.

Not much to say today as it has rained dreadfully throughout.  I have been leaping in and out the Mule at breakneck speed trying to keep a bit dry.  Greeves has fed less and barely moved from the field shelter which seems eminently sensible.  In fact he has remained fairly dry all day despite not having his coat on.  He sits there in state, chewing on bits of hay and gazing out at the rain.  The chickens have made quick sorties out of their house and then dashed back in, clucking away in a very bad tempered manner.  Sam finally made it to Milborne Port but goodness only knows what he has been doing as the weather has been dire.

Now we have to go back over the fields and set up a couple of pens ready for tomorrow as we have an exciting visit planned - hopefully the weather will not stop play!  Then Carl has to pop down to Mum's as the back has dropped off the plug for her bread maker and she seems to be in a bit of a cookery mood!

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