I have just about recovered! Thank you for the well wishes - I did think it might be serious but I met a cousin in Sturminster this morning and she said there was a stomach bug going round so I think I was maybe being a little melodramatic. Carl said it was probably wind and I should eat more slowly and chew my food properly (not easy when your teeth are disappearing fast).
Today it was back to clearing a mammoth load of poo (from the fields!) and the sound of all this activity attracted The Scrap Man who made me jump. He was impressed with my machine - mind you I think he also coveted the Fordson, and the Jalopy, and . . . We had a long ranging conversation about alpacas, tractors, property, helicopters . . . whilst I clutched the Poo Picker pipe to my chest and tried to forget that I was wearing a tight T shirt with no undergarments!
Emily has now, I have probably said this before, been mated to Dude and she did spit off but neither mating nor spit off were that convincing so I had a little investigation with the aid of lubrication and hopefully the problem has been discovered and sorted - so another mating followed which went well - do it again tomorrow on the Two Day Thing. This may have been the problem last year when we didn't get her pregnant - I didn't try that hard as I thought she might have been too young then.
Prue is spitting off well so I think there may well be a little Jed baby on the way there. Little Star is also a pretty convincing spitter so I am off to have a shower shortly!
Sorry there are not photos but I will get some tomorrow.
New life on the hill
Spring finally seems to have arrived and with if new life on the farm is
beginning to arrive.
I decided not to tup our sheep last year as we never send ou...
8 years ago
Glad that the title does not refer to the solution to your ill health...you had me going for a moment thou:0)