Sunday, 19 December 2010

Blue Lips and a Feather Duster

No more snow but what we have had is still there and shows no signs of going away.  It is very cold, in fact it is so cold I have permanently blue lips!  Sam and Carl went delivering presents - after Carl had glossed the skirting board and did a bit of serious feather duster wielding on the beams - and I meandered around delivery hay, feed and filling water.  I then went round again cracking water which had refrozen, round again filling, round again cracking . . . . .

There was a welcome break at lunchtime when The Shepherd called in for a coffee.  He has had an adventurous time rescuing vehicles, sliding down hills sideways and rescuing people trapped inside a 4x4 which had overturned.  They were unable to get out as the central locking had jammed.

Tonight we are relaxing!!

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