Despite Super Computer, my internet is failing me,. I now have an upload speed of 0.16mb and a down load speed of 0.12mb - hence - I am tearing my hair out, I have achieved nothing on the shop update and I am going to have to do another short blog with no photos. The reason for my lack of speed is, according to Matthew at my internet providers, my lack of stability and until I can remain stable for 3 consecutive days there is no help. I have told him this lack of speed is making me even more unstable but he did not seem to get the point.
Despite this the day started well with a trip to The Flower Lady to get a little finishing off knitting help. The roads were very slippy and there was quite a frost in the fields - back to cracking water again!
New life on the hill
Spring finally seems to have arrived and with if new life on the farm is
beginning to arrive.
I decided not to tup our sheep last year as we never send ou...
8 years ago
We may have to crack water but at least we'll have disinfected paddocks;o)