Friday, 7 January 2011

Excitement Mounting!

Today was wet - not much more to say about it really!  I kept my eyes on the skies; partly looking for a vague clearing so I could get Poo  Collecting but also on the look out for rogue helicopters as I hear the Scrap Man now has acquired one!

We have a busy weekend ahead of us with a special delivery on Sunday to look forward to so I am going to be watching the telivision whilst knitting in order to prepare myself.  I had my hair dne this morning in preparation and Carl keeps giving me sidlong looks and calling me slick for some reason (I am not sure he totally approves.

No alpaca photos due to the rain but one of Mitzy (or Little Wee as she is now known).


  1. Bad news....The wind caught my pink brolly this afternoon, in B'ford, and broke one of the metal arms....Boooo..Hoooo...! Had that brolly for 5 years.
    Never mind, the above picture of Mitzy has cheered me up....Lovely......! Why, Little Wee...
    Does she stop and start a lot...Bless Her. :)

  2. Great Posing Mitzy...hope the special delivery arrives safely...does it involve a cruise I wonder?!

  3. Mitzy is gorgeous. Looking forward to photo'd of the new arrival; hope the sea's not too choppy!
