Monday, 28 June 2010

The appearance of a Portaloo

Carl was off shearing again today - only two this time but another very interesting shearing experience! He was doing the alpacas in the Animal Park at Kingston Maurward College, so he had an audience of students and visitors. He enjoyed it and had Sam to help out. It was particularly good to see the students so interested and asking such good questions. The lady in charge of the alpacas was knowledgeable and obviously knew the boys very well. Much to the students delight, right at the end, as one of the boys was being led away he turned round and covered the tutor in a large mouthful of spit- Sam wasn't so pleased as he is really keen on his tutors!

All is now prepared for haymaking. It is now that anxious time for checking weather reports and barometer every few minutes trying to get the timing right. We also have to get some new tines for the woofler as the flints reeked havoc on some of them last year - and we have never found one of the ones that came off.

Water has been a chore today as Billy the Bowser ran out again and the new water butts are not in operation yet. Luckily, Carl was here so he manhandled barrels over to the fields and has left me enough for tomorrow. I had to take the opportunity to go shopping as he was around - not something I enjoy, and they have put a new glass entrance up at Tesco's which threw me - as did the price at the till! A strange sight distracted me on the drive there. On the road past the woods down to Winterbourne Stickland a portaloo has appeared - it looks most incongruous (I did have visions of a version of Dr Who walking out)! The road is a narrow country lane devoid of habitation or tourist attractions. Is it there for a purpose? Is it operational? Has it now gone?

I kept thinking Prue was about to produce as she kept rolling - but no! Tomorrow is Islay's last hope - she is 360 days and I have to confess she does not really look pregnant - just overweight, it looks like we lost that one over the winter.

1 comment:

  1. You need a mushroom to sit on and watch the alpacas...from ! The're excellent for passing the time away !!.......hopefully tomorrow's, another day !.........Jayne
