We have had another busy day, well, this morning it was mostly Carl being very busy with the Shepherd's wife whilst I hid in the caravan - but more on that another time!
The new baby, Belinda's still does not have a name. I want something with Cool in it as Cool Dude is the daddy but the best suggestion so far is Cool as a Cucumber - and I really cannot have an alpaca called cucumber! Whatever her name she is a strapping great thing and very lively - she is already almost as big as the mammoth Slink and has to bend to get under her poor mum. I sent Sam over this evening to get a few photos as I had forgotten during the day, but he seemed to be in a bit of an arty mood. He took 200 photos but most were of black alpaca against dark hedge, views up Trouble's nose, out of focus or taken from strange angles. These are the best of the bunch!
Here is me and Bert's baby, Trouble, whose dad is Samson. She is doing very well.
And these are Tilbo - brown with the broken leg, The Slink - white suri at the back, String (Pretty Cool) - Flem's baby and on the right is Trouble! We didn't manage one of Belinda's unnamed baby but she is in the video.
We then went into film producer mode - this is very hard! Do not feel you must watch this clip - it's a few babies charging around, plus some grass and sky!
Good work, Sam, you captured their exuberance!