Last night I settled down to a little Amazon retail therapy only to discover my debit card had disappeared. I had it yesterday for my trip to Yeovil but where it went I do not know. Everywhere was searched - car, Sam's Truck, pockets, bag, the drive, handbag, purse - nowhere and so I had to cancel the card. Now my spending is curtailed until a new card arrives. It either got thrown away with the remains of a Cumberland ring, posted with the letters or left in the card machine.
We spent a lovely morning with Bueno and his friends - a few injections and foot trimming - then went to get a Christmas Tree (which Carl had to buy). Followed by half hour of watching Yossarian careering around showing off after the round of feeding and replenishing hay racks. Hay consumption is definitely on the up!
New life on the hill
Spring finally seems to have arrived and with if new life on the farm is
beginning to arrive.
I decided not to tup our sheep last year as we never send ou...
8 years ago
Throwing away the remains of a Cumberland ring when it is delicious cold for that s a calamity!