Wednesday 2 April 2014


Lots to say but no time to say it!
Lots of photos but no time to upload!
In brief - 10 lambs yesterday and 6 (so far) today.  This morning Stumpy was a nightmare with two of the dopiest biggest lambs I have ever seen - combined with a prolapse and afterbirth before the lambs - honestly, Sam agrees that is what it was.  It took an arm up to he elbow, lambing ropes and lots of rolling around swearing.  We now have 21 lambs but poor Grace looks like hers is on the way so, it is now 9.30pm, pitch dark and her last lamb Shovel was a real drama!
Got to go!


  1. Eek, sounds like lambing will be over and done with pretty quickly in the end!!

  2. Honestly Rosemary, how do you do all of this!? I hope Grace went OK? :) Lisa
