Frantic waving as I was driving along the top of the hill today reminded me I ought to write the blog!
Bitter cold wind on the hill today and I was very glad to get back down to the house and the woodburner. No lambs! The lambs from the real ram are not due until next week so it is not a panic yet but I thought Womble who went in first as a sort of teaser (he has one ball) might have caught some as he was very active - I think he must have been firing blanks!
The house alpacas have settled really well and I have been trying to sort out who to put on my sales list but then hit a problem as I have registered Wonky as black -
and Tyke as brown -
The ever obliging Libby at Grassroots has sorted that out for me now! Must have been a senior moment!
Last night we went out for a very good meal and had a very nice evening talking of alpaca plans - afterwards was not so good. On the way home I managed to cause Carl an injury which is better not discussed and then, on arrival home, we realised we had forgotten to take the door key (we only have one between us - my fault) and Sam had locked the door and gone out for the night. Carl had to break in by climbing a ladder and inserting himself through a very small bathroom window which (despite his moaning it was a good job I had not shut and locked). I was petrified the organist would spot his legs disappearing through the window and call the police. When we finally got in I discovered Sam's girlfriend had left us a meal she had cooked and I felt dreadful - they hadn't realised we had gone out.
Then Carl spent a sleepless night due to toothache - which he told me all about several time first at midnight and then at regular intervals through out the night. Today he finally went to the dentist and has an exposed nerve and an infection and is now in bed with a tube of Bonjela (I know it is not for that but he seems to feel better clutching some form of medicine).
On a more positive note Carl has finished his new gate made from pallets and would have been staining it if he had not gone to bed. This will be good as he can then make the duck house.
Ahh - and my new field car - note sporty little hay rack on rear!
New life on the hill
Spring finally seems to have arrived and with if new life on the farm is
beginning to arrive.
I decided not to tup our sheep last year as we never send ou...
8 years ago
I look forward to seeing Carls duck house as I need, well want a new one for a couple of geese ;-) so I'm after inspiration!