It has been a busy day today with odd weather - hot one moment and bitterly cold the next. I had to scrape the ice off the car this morning when I went to check the sheep (no lambs). When the sun came out Bert went to lie in the shade with Tyke, her constant companion (he is the Black one - the other is either Bill or Ben but I can't always tell them apart!)
The Shepherd came this morning and collected the pig ark so Carl has to get a move on with Duck house construction. Today he didn't have time as Tractor Boy brought his rotavator over so Carl could finish the big vegetable bed. I had got as far as I could but it was taking forever and everything is growing like crazy. All ready now for the first things to go in - depending on the weather.
All the activity made the alpacas very excitable.
All is doing well in the greenhouse - even the sack of rubbish seems to be growing!
The Polytunnel is growing potatoes and I didn 't even plant them!
That is not more sacks of rubbish at the back of the picture - it is the weed suppressor mat which needs folding up properly.
The radishes are coming along rather too well - I pulled one out and it is quite big so radish recipes begin soon.
Most exciting, however, are the strawberries
and finally, an update on Cassie - you can barely see the kink in her neck.