Tuesday 6 December 2011

Gloomy Outlook

A tragic occurrence in the village in the early hours of Sunday morning meant the road through Ibberton was closed for much of the day - we could still see smoke from the hill at lunchtime.  Sam stayed in bed for much of the day but was up and back to work, still snuffling, on Monday.

The sheep have now all had their feet checked and trimmed.  They have also been moved back into pylon paddock - their favourite as it means they can rub against the pylon and lie in the stingers, something they thoroughly enjoy for some reason!

The weather has now turned colder but a wet, drizzly cold - not a nice crisp cold.  Carl and Sam have been  working on mud prevention which has involved the tractor and their new bucket.  Not sure how successful the plan is - not sure they are either!

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