Tuesday 2 July 2013

Cria Gazing

Yesterday was a day of wasting time - watching the cria!  Four so far - Maria, the oldest, has a mind of her own and does not want to be weighed, checked over or cooperate in any way - but she does want to play and annoy everyone who is sleeping.

She does have competition in the annoying stakes from the little black baby of Zara's who is just completely cute!  He is either flat out asleep or trying out his mating skills complete with baby orgling!
Having a go at Maria

Carolyn may have been a little large for him

Back to Maria with Carolyn and Emily's cria looking on

Maria again!

Emily's baby is a little softie who Maria seems to have adopted as her best friend.

. . . and then there is Lily's baby who is, frankly, weird.  I confess I was a trifle disappointed with him when I first saw him.  I know you shouldn't say that but when he was first born the first thought was - fawn ears and neck, white body - not surprising as Lily masks a lot of colour but I had hoped for something better! 

Yesterday, though I had a change of heart as he is just so sweet.  Weird and I can't make out his colour as close up he doesn't look fawn.  But the strangest bit is he is so docile and so is Lily which is not normal for her.  Baby charges around normally but if he is kushed and I go over to him he just sits there (I am NOT fussing him, honestly)  and I can touch him and he just gives me that Different Strokes character look - "What you looking at?"

Having said all that I have several oddities at the moment.  Trouble and Little Star are both remarkably laid back.  My first thought is whether they are really pregnant - time will tell.

Tonight we have just returned from a meeting which in involved Green Wheelbarrows, Elton John Tribute Bands, Gold Wings and a very large choir!  More on that next time!


  1. Lovely photos Rosemary. The cria are looking great.

  2. Looks like a great stud in the making! Beautiful photos...the nearest I think I'm going to get to crias this year so keep posting them!!

  3. I have a bit of a weird one too, Selby (from the mum who feeds four!) he will happy sit or sleep miles, and I mean miles away from everyone else. He does start off with them but if they move on hi doesn't! He does play with the others but there is definitely something slightly strange about this boy. He is a little sweetie though!
