It has been a rather difficult time here, to say the least, what with barns, banging, radios, bats, dogs, fights, pigeons, guns - one day I will recount what is gradually becoming a sort of sort of musical hall comedy turn!! Any way, we have escaped from the caravan and returned to our house to regroup - and update the blog.
So, the alpacas! It has been a tiring time with Bert's baby and she has not been at all easy but I think we are getting there. Here we are, me and Bert and our baby! I have to say, Bert is looking far better than I am!
I hasten to add that I am not fussing her and keep away as much as possible but this was her day 1 picture! We have called her Pretty Troublesome, Trouble for short, and I fear she will have Bert's personality! At the moment she is feeding okay but only if I hold her head in a headlock which she likes - we are working on proper feeding! She also will go up to anyone which is not what I want, particularly when people are looking over the gate as it is so tempting to go over and stroke her. She was 9.5kg at birth but has now lost some of that weight. Her legs and ears are beginning to sort themselves out though.
Tilbo's leg has slowed him down but he still manages to get around, feeds fine and is putting on weight.
It doesn't normally look as wonky as it does in the photo - I think I just caught it at the wrong moment!
Slinky is now a mammoth 16kg, very feisty and the leader of the pack. Yossarian, the other suri, you may notice has cream in his eyes. The flies had attacked them so badly they were raw and looked quite nasty - I think the cream has done the trick though. He is doing well but has to jump on anything that lies down and orgle frantically - he looks like some sort of stick on spider clinging on!
Then there is String, Flem and Dude's baby. She is putting weight on nicely and doing well.
Yesterday we did a few more matings which was quite strange. We are trying the two day thing this year and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Islay (no, she is not pregnant much to my disappointment) sat both times and Dude hopped on both times. Crispie sat both times but Dude only wanted to know the first time. The second time he had a good sniff but would not get on - when I opened the gate to try to get Crispie out Flem sneaked in, sat and he jumped on her! She has now been mated too early but why did he not want Crispie - strange!
So, alpaca wise, things are going fine and just the three babies to come - Carolyn's Belinda's and Lina's. It is now pouring with rain so we don't want any today. Carl is out getting parts for the Mule so hopefully that will be fixed later. I have sorted the Alf problem (the suri boy) so we can now try him out for a mating with Sherbet - Libby at Grassroots is a wonderful, very helpful woman. Sam was going to help the Shepherd with his baling today but sadly that looks no good.