Thursday, 29 May 2014

Bath and West Part 2 - A brush with Farming Royalty

Bath and West two today and another early start due to checking all animals first.  Kristy came along to assist, it poured in the afternoon, weather was dodgy in the morning but it was another enjoyable day.  Judges were Mary-Jo and Barbara and it was very interesting listening to their oral reasoning.  I thought Barbara did a really thorough job with judging the Junior Handler - tough job, as there were some great handlers in the class.  Lots of proud looking breeders coming out of the ring and I have a couple of lovely photos but sadly cannot get them off the phone - another time hopefully.  This photo, however, was taken by Kristy and I am pretty proud of my nifty bit of jumping around which makes it looks like I am speaking words of wisdom to a very interested personality - I am not and made a right idiot of myself which I will not explain in detail but, as I am a sad person who is easily impressed, I quite like it!!


  1. Adam Henson? I'll look out for you on Countryfile this week - at least your hair was ready for t.v !

  2. Great hair and boots! Good to see you Rosemary.

  3. Oh, I thought it was Prince Harry……..
