Okay, the gauntlet is down! The Festive Field Shelter competition is on! I have tentative interest! Barbara queried who the judge would be and I have considered contacting the great and good of the alpaca world but fear rejection. Maybe a prospective judge will materialise, and as to prizes - there aren't any!! But you could use the photo on your Christmas cards next year. We can just post our photos in the week before Christmas and see what we get! I am considering a Mary and Joseph in the stable alpaca theme - Carl said this would be inappropriate but I don't see why. My brother, who is now a Baptist Minister, once performed the nativity with his teddies and, despite Mary's dress continually falling off and her giving birth to a panda, it was reasonably tasteful and got the message over (mind you he was about 4 at the time). So, festive field shelter photos the week before Christmas - chickens allowed! (there are no rules but then as there is no judge and no prizes this is probably immaterial). Ah, and do not leave your field shelter unattended and remove everything immediately or who knows what disaster may strike.
On to more serious matters, it is pouring with rain and no one will let little Axle in the field shelter. He may have to have a coat on - which is what I am going to try to do now, find his coat!
New life on the hill
Spring finally seems to have arrived and with if new life on the farm is
beginning to arrive.
I decided not to tup our sheep last year as we never send ou...
8 years ago
Love the festive field shelter idea, but we don't have field shelters! all our girls and boys come into different areas of the barn.
ReplyDeleteCan I decorate the barn?
OK will post a photo during the week before Christmas...lets hope for dry weather...the biggest difficulty may be getting any alpacas into their festive shelter for a photo opportuntity!
ReplyDeleteWe're having the same difficulty getting Namaste and Ebony a pass into the hangar, as Bonheur is standing guard and they are definately not going to be allowed in! They do have access to 2 other shelters but they really want to be in the hangar with everyone else!
Oh Yes! Barn decoration very good idea!!