Once we had finished it was feeding, water and a quick shower before dashing to Wiltshire for a meeting of the Great Western Region Fleece Show which got off to a great start with ice creams all round. The Russell sisters entertained us with their antics with Billie Jean and then we got down to business. A great meeting and I am pleased to report that everything is going very well.
Today has been incredibly hot and Sunbeam has been keeping her poor Mum, Carolyn, moving with her mad dashes around. Here she is in a moment of quiet!
This evening we had a BBQ which went very well until Sam spilt sugar over the new potatoes, Carl burnt the sausages and I absentmindedly ate all the strawberries. So now Sam has retreated to his room to watch a DVD called the Black Sheep which he tells me is useful for his college work, Carl has gone to his shed to make more hanging water containers and I am sorting fleece, when I finish this!
Sunbeam is so beautiful. I can't wait to get one too. Doesn't Samson sire lovely cria?