Sunday 1 September 2013

First stage fencing complete

We are making three paddocks out of Dude's big paddock and the first was ready at lunchtime so we moved Dude out and put Yosser and the four young boys in.  Dude was furious!  In the end we put him on his halter and moved him down the bottom of first field nearer the girls and he was happy.  Yosser was not helping matters by peering over the fence at him until he was really stirred up and then turning his back on him.

The sheep were also moved but there was no fussing from them.  Lambs are growing well.  This is Black baby who is actually a ram lamb and should have gone on but he is just too sweet!  I have decided he will live with Reg, Shovel and Womble - the newly created teaser ram.

The ewe lambs are also lovely and they are all being kept.
I did say yesterday I would treat you to a picture of the two cria with eyes attacked by flies.  This afternoon we treated them and I just hope the flies leave them alone just for a bit.  Poor little Wonky at the front and Sapphire's at the back.
And here is Gloria - a very laid back cria who has been admired at the field gate several times today.

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