Before I tell you about today (D stands for disaster) I must apologise to regular readers for the sporadic nature of my blogging. It is all due to a camera problem - the camera takes really rubbish pictures now, I think caused by dirt and general neglect. I am hoping my brother can assist me with it but for now I am on mobile phone pictures and they are not very good. People don't like blogs without pictures so blogging is a little lacking. Anyway - here we go with a mobile phone picture blog and today has not been pleasant.
First thing I fell down the stairs. It was dark and I tripped over the cat my behind is now bruised (don't worry no photo of that) and my side and arm hurts - the cat is fine.
I arrived at the fields to find all alpacas wet and muddy but looking fine
Greeves waiting for his hay |
. . . and then went in to second field only to find a field shelter in the Southdown field had blown over (and it was one tied down with ratchet straps) - on it's way over it had taken out the fence. Luckily, the Southdowns are very well behaved and they were all standing by the gap waiting for me - thankfully none of them had been sheltering inside or behind it - or, if they were, they had escaped it.
This year's remaining lambs - not sure why I took this, or why I am including it! Grace's little white Southdown cross looks like a toy!
This afternoon I managed to fall in the stream whilst clearing debris and then couldn't get back up the bank - obviously, I have now managed to get out, by crawling on my hands and knees, but that didn't help my previous falling down stairs injuries.